1 January 2014

The consortium of the following companies: WTE Wassertechnik GmbH, Degremont S.A., HOCHTIEF Polska Sp. z o.o., and WTE Wassertechnik (Poland) Sp. z o.o. signed a contract for the realization of an investment called “Development and modernization of the ‘Sitkówka‘ waste purification plant for the city of Kielce” with “Wodociągi Kieleckie” on May 20, 2008.

The scope of the contract covers designing and completion of the construction work, among others, consisting of the following:
– construction and startup of a new biological waste purification path,
– modernization of the existing facilities,
– completion of a new technical service building with social, technical and administration rooms, a control room and laboratory,
– completion of the underground and over-the-ground infrastructure,
– development of the power infrastructure of the waste purification plant with the reconstruction of the existing power building,
– completion of the thermal station of waste sludge utilization.
The project will also include the completion of an integrated control system controlling the automatic operation of the plant.
The designing phase will begin in May of this year. The first construction work will be commenced in 2008 and last until June 2010.
The Development and modernization of the Sitkówka waste purification plant for the city of Kielce project received additional financing from the Cohesion Fund pursuant to a decision of the European Commission.
Its completion will help solve the problem of surface and underground water pollution. The objective of the planned development and modernization is to increase the capacity of the waste purification plant and to guarantee that the waste purification degree is compliant with the Polish and EU regulations in force.