Health and Safety Policy at HOCHTIEF Polska 

Safety is a key value in our company, rooted in the vision and values of the HOCHTIEF Group. The company’s tasks and long-term goals in the area of occupational health and safety (OHS) are summarised in the Health and Safety Policy HOCHTIEF Polska . All employees of our company are obliged to follow the guidelines contained therein.

Every year, the compliance with management standards in the area of occupational safety at HOCHTIEF Poland is confirmed by external auditors with a certificate of conformity with the international standard ISO 45001:2018

Health and Safety Requirements for business partners 

We expect our subcontractors and business partners to comply with health and safety regulations as well as our internal requirements and procedures. The main documents are listed below.

  1. H&S requirements for subcontractors – polish
  2. H&S requirements for subcontractors – english
  3. Guidelines and forms for the preparation of Safe Work Manual (SWM) – polish
  4. Framework programme for information training – polish
  5. Provisions of the framework agreement for the transport services with tower cranes or self-erecting cranes – polish
  6. Safety instruction for evacuation from crane – polish
  7. Health and safety requirements for transport work – polish
  8. Health and safety requirements for transport work – english
  9. Safety instruction for transport works – polish
  10. Health and safety requirements for subcontractors on warranties run by HOCHTIEF Polska – polish

Cooperation for Safety in Construction 

In order to improve the safety in the construction industry HOCHTIEF Poland entered into the “Cooperation for Safety in Construction” in August 2010 as one of the signatories. The agreement is an initiative of the largest general contractors, which aims to improve safety on Polish construction sites. It provides for the implementation of a number of projects introducing system solutions in the field of occupational health and safety, such as: common document templates, model of acknowledging professional qualifications of construction workers or periodic training. The agreement promotes a safety culture, raises awareness of the threats related to working on a construction site and, as a result, is to eliminate the risks.

Health and Safety Standards 

The Health and Safety Standards have been established by the companies which signed the Cooperation for Safety in Construction based on the requirements resulting from the law and other regulations. It is a set of documents containing guidelines and requirements necessary to carry out construction works in accordance with the highest safety standards. As signatories of the Agreement, we share our knowledge and experience, demonstrating the safest solutions while conducting construction works.

Health and Safety Standards 

Current projects at HOCHTIFE Polska within Cooperation for Safety in Construction

– project „Collective protection measures”  Zbiór wytycznych zabezpieczeń zbiorowych

– project „Vertical transportation”  Wytyczne transportu pionowego



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