15 December 2014

HOCHTIEF’s participation in the consortium executing the investment for the City of Poznań within the framework of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

Acting for SITA Zielona Energia (the Private Partner of the PPP Agreement with the City of Poznań), the consortium of HOCHTIEF Polska, HOCHTIEF Solutions and Hitachi Zosen Inova (the leader) completed the construction of the above-ground concrete construction of the bunker, whose the highest wall is 43.5 m (c. 142.7 ft) high, as part of the execution of the Thermal Waste Processing Installation (TWPI). This is one of the main elements of the TWPI production process. Waste will be disposed there after its unloading. The construction of this part of the installation began at the beginning of July and lasted about 5 months. The entire structure of the bunker was made of reinforced concrete. Its execution required the use of specialist sliding formwork. The slide of the facility, to its full height, was constructed in two stages, in 33 days in total, in the 24-hour cycle, with a two-week break for the rearrangement of formwork. During the construction of the structure in sliding formwork, c. 4,300 cubic meters of concrete and 600 tonnes of reinforcing steel were used. The next stage of works is the commencement of the assembly of the steel structure of the building of boilers with the process lines and the construction of the reinforced concrete structure of the administration building. So far, c.15,000 cubic meters of structural concrete and 2,500 tonnes of reinforced steel were used at the construction of the TWPI, which has already constituted over 80% of the total quantity of concrete and reinforced steel.

The TWPI Investment is being executed within the formula of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP), in which the public partner is the City of Poznań, and the private partner is SITA Zielona Energia, which is the part of the SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT group, which executed and manages nearly 50 of such installations in Europe. SITA Zielona Energia entrusted the execution of engineering in the scope of process and construction works and their implementation to the consortium of Hitachi Zosen Inova, HOCHTIEF Polska, and HOCHTIEF Solutions. The waste incineration system with the capacity of 210,000 tonnes per year will be put into service in the second half of 2016, and will have been utilised for the next 25 years by SITA Zielona Energia. The scope of works conducted by the consortium with the participation of HOCHTIEF Polska and HOCHTIEF Solutions includes design and construction of complete process, industrial facilities, and internal and associated road infrastructures together with systems.