25 April 2016

A number of measures to improve safety in daily work – under the slogan “Turn on thinking – plan and react” (”Włącz myślenie – planuj i reaguj”)

On 25 April, Safety Week began at the construction sites of ten general contractors constituting the Cooperation for Safety in Construction (Porozumienie dla Bezpieczeństwa w Budownictwie). The motto of this year’s Week is “Turn on thinking – plan and react”. As in previous years, HOCHTIEF Polska employees will take part in a series of activities planned within the framework of the Safety Week at construction sites and offices. Among the activities, inter alia, we provided for trainings on first aid and the use of personal protective equipment, presentation of personal protective equipment and working clothes, knowledge tests on actions to be taken during evacuation in the event of fire, as well as lectures on hazards occurring in the construction industry with a thorough analysis of accident causes followed by presentations of the inspectors from the National Labour Inspectorate. The main objective of all the Safety Week activities is to improve safety in our daily work, inter alia, by paying attention to the risks associated with near miss incidents.

Safety Week has been becoming increasingly popular each year. Over 30,000 people – employees of the companies constituting the Cooperation for Safety in Construction as well as subcontractors in almost 300 locations – took place in the last year’s workshops, trainings and various types of activities to promote the health and safety culture.