3 February 2021

Contract signed for implementation of investment worth PLN 172 million (approx. EUR 40 million)

On February 2, representatives of HOCHTIEF Polska and Małopolska Science Centre Cogiteon, signed a contract for the construction of the headquarters of the Małopolska Science Centre Cogiteon in Cracow. The Members of the Board of the Małopolska Province also participated in the event. The value of the contract amounts to PLN 172 million (approx. EUR 40 mln). According to the contract, the works will start soon and will last till the begin of 2023.  

The order includes the construction of a facility with a total area of approximately 27 500 square meters and a usable area of nearly 14 100 square meters. The triangular, streamlined building will consist of four bodies, connected by a common façade and underground storeys. The building will accommodate, among others, exhibition and laboratory rooms, a restaurant and conference space, as well as a car park with the possibility of charging electric cars in the basement. The contact also covers the execution of external infrastructure, i.e. internal roads, bicycle paths and parking spaces for passenger cars and coaches. Furthermore, on the roof of Cogiteon, the first walking garden in Cracow – with an area of almost 10,000 square meters – is planned. Apart from that, near the building a park with almost 300 trees, over 450 shrubs, flower meadows and outdoor exhibits will be established.

Environmentally friendly technological solutions have been applied at the facility. The heat pump and location of some part of the building in the ground will allow to use the energy of the ground for heating and cooling, and the intelligent building management system (BMS) will enable the optimal use of resources.

The Małopolska Science Centre Cogiteon will be built in the Czyżyny district of Cracow, near the Rakowice-Czyżyny airport. The author of the design is the Heinle, Wischer und Partner Architekci office from Wrocław. The investment is financed by the European Union and funds from the budget of the Małopolskie Province.

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(c) MCN Cogiteon

Wiz Cogiteon 01 cr Heinle Wischer und Partner Architekci

© Heinle, Wischer und Partner Architekci

Wiz Cogieon 01 cr MCN Cogiteon

(C)MCN Cogiteon