6 December 2021

Technical acceptance of the first building in the Airport City Gdańsk office and service complex has been completed. HOCHTIEF Polska is the general contractor of Alpha. The building has been constructed in accordance with the LEED Gold certification guidelines. Its distinctive features include among others a façade with high sound retention parameters.

Alpha has passed the technical inspection of the Provincial Building Inspectorate. The building also received positive decisions from the State Fire Service and the State Sanitary Inspection. The acceptance inspections are a confirmation that the works have been completed in accordance with the regulations and the designs.

The general contractor of Alpha is HOCHTIEF Polska. The scope of works included the development standard – so called shell&core. Apart from the shell and the roof of the building, HOCHTIEF Polska constructed the common parts, elevators, the lobby with the reception desk, the control room for the office building management unit – BMS, bathrooms, the garage and landscaping around the building. The building was constructed for 18 months, including the time of preparation of the detailed design.

“Lockdowns and an acute shortage of construction workers following the outbreak of the pandemic were a major challenge in the context of the tight construction schedule. With extensive experience in similar buildings and the ability to engage additional crews, we were able to meet the contractually agreed upon deadline of one and a half years to complete this 6-story facility. Both in terms of design and execution, the building is characterized by innovative solutions” says Aleksander Olszewski, Project Manager at HOCHTIEF Polska.

Examples of non-standard solutions are the structure made of special aluminum profiles and the facade with high acoustic parameters ensuring high sound retention. Due to the proximity of the airport, such solutions were necessary to reduce noise and provide comfort to the tenants. The assumption was that the building should be economical and friendly to people working in it.

“Apart from the high quality of finish, the acoustics of the building is one of its assets, which makes the biggest impression on people visiting our office building. Some of us associate the proximity of an airport with the problem of noise. Meanwhile, inside the ACG Alpha building, the noise level is estimated to be lower than “typical city noise” associated with traffic, which is present in office buildings located in the center of Gdańsk” says Michał Dargacz, Director for Airport City at the Gdańsk Airport Sp. z o.o.

The Alpha building is the first in the Airport City Gdańsk (ACG) complex which is under construction. It is a modern airport district, erected right next to the Gdańsk Airport and next to the terminus of the Pomeranian Metropolitan Railway. The advantage of ACG is the use of the potential of its convenient location in the vicinity of the airport, the Tri-City ring road and the A1 freeway. In the first stage of the project, a 6-storey Alpha building with a rental area of 8,500 sqm was erected. The office building is certified LEED Gold according to the latest and most restrictive version v4 Building Design and Construction confirming ecological approach to the created space. The building was constructed in accordance with the principles of respecting the natural environment – a significant part of the external area is covered with diverse vegetation, which enhances biodiversity of the surroundings and ensures its ecological balance.

ACG Alpha 2021 crACG M 26 ACG Alpha 2021 crACG M 8

(c)Airport City Gdańsk