23 February 2022

Modern building with unique façade and many amenities for users was handed over to the investor

HOCHTIEF Polska as general contractor completed the construction of a research and teaching building for the University of Warsaw. This is the second stage of the investment located at 55 Dobra Street in Warsaw’s Powiśle district. The facility will be used by the faculties of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, and other units of the University.

The new building has two underground floors, four above-ground floors and a usable “green” roof. In its body common spaces were organized in four green courtyards. The total usable area of the facility amounts to nearly 25,000 square meters. It is connected to the building constructed in the first stage of the investment.

“Construction works started in June 2019. Despite the challenges related to the Covid pandemic, we are handing over the building on agreed schedule. The building has already passed all inspections and has an occupancy permit. It is a modern facility, architecturally interesting, with many amenities for users,” says Monika Rakowska, Project Manager at HOCHTIEF Polska.

“The research and teaching facility at 55 Dobra Street is the largest investment of the multi-annual development plan in terms of space and financial outlays. The building will serve students and employees of, among others, the faculties of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics. Its design includes many modern ecological solutions. Apart from seminar rooms, the building will also house a library, administration, social, catering and technical rooms. What is extremely important for us, this building just like each new building of our University, will be adjusted to the needs of persons with physical, auditory and visual impairments,” says Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, Rector of the University of Warsaw.

As part of the contract for the University of Warsaw, HOCHTIEF Polska constructed 99 teaching rooms, 70 administrative rooms, 39 research rooms, 17 rest rooms for students, eleven staff rest rooms, seven conference rooms, three reading rooms/libraries, a multimedia room with a capacity of over 150 people, which can be used for concerts, meetings or conferences.

A distinctive aesthetic feature of the building at Dobra 55 is its unique facade: from the side of Wislana Street made of pre-patinated copper sheet, and from the side of Browarna and Lipowa Streets the facade made in the so-called “double skin” system. Such a construction enables the inflow of fresh air from the outside to the rooms while maintaining appropriate acoustic comfort. External blinds are an additional convenience, providing protection from excessive sunlight, and thus unnecessary consumption of energy needed for cooling the rooms.

The green roof is a recreational common space with marked pathways amidst lush vegetation. It is adapted to the needs of the disabled. An interesting solution is the staircase with a beautiful view of the Kazimierzowski Park.

The user-friendly facility is equipped with a large number of modern solutions that reduce operating costs and improve safety. These include:

  • photovoltaic panels,
  • ground heat exchanger,
  • access control to rooms in the entire building,
  • the possibility of controlling the building’s automation from one control panel as well as individually from the room level.

Currently, the process of fitting out the interiors, removing defects and completing as-built documentation, including a three-dimensional BIM model, is underway.

The first student classes are scheduled to begin in the 2022/2023 academic year.

(c)HOCHTIEF Polska