17 October 2016

HOCHTIEF Polska signed a contract for the construction of a new production hall for the company Hutchinson in Dębica. The project investor is the company DL Project Management S.A., operating within the capital group of DL Invest Group. The project will be executed under a design and build arrangement.
The HOCHTIEF Polska branch in Cracow will start construction works in autumn 2016. Execution of the project is scheduled to be completed by the end of September 2017.

The scope of the project includes a production hall and an external guardhouse. The production facility will consist of three parts: a single-story production and warehouse hall with technical rooms, a two-story office section comprising staff rooms and a single-story social section. The building will have a volume of about 188,000 cubic metres. The project also includes fencing with an access control system as well as construction of external infrastructure such as  roads, parking area,  shelters for bikes, motorbikes and motorcycles.