1 January 2014


“Go Europe!”, a new programme for young management staff has been created and initiated at HOCHTIEF Polska. The project is yet another step in the implementation of the strategy of HOCHTIEF which assumes its introduction to the new prospective markets in Europe.

In 2005 HOCHTIEF expanded its structures In Europe. The existing companies (in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Russia, Great Britain, Luxemburg and Austria) were joined by two new subsidiaries in Hungary and Bulgaria.

In such an extensive structure of the holding, an exchange of experiences is a must. It is also of utmost importance to strengthen communication between the individual business units of HOCHTIEF and to prepare the staff for work in the international structures. The “Go Europe!” programme has been designed in response to those challenges. It is a training course for young managers, conducted in the countries in which the concern has its subsidiaries or representatives.

The meeting of the participants of the first edition of the programme took place at the end of July in Krakow, Poland, gathering young HOCHTIEF staff from Germany, Russia, Hungary, the Czech Republic and other countries. — While designing the “Go Europe!” programme, I also meant to aid the promotion of our young Polish managers in the structures of the Holding. We have excellent personnel at a truly European level, which has now been successfully proven – summarized the meeting Hanna Dąbrowska, Human Resources Director of HOCHTIEF Polska, who organized and hosted the first edition.

The further releases of the programme will be held in the individual European countries in which HOCHTIEF is present.