§ 1. Site Privacy Policy

Information about personal data processing

By using the services of the Site, you can be asked to provide some of your personal data. We will ask you only for these data which are essential in relation to the purposes for which they will be processed.

Your personal data controller is HOCHTIEF Polska S.A., based in Warsaw, at ul. Żwirki i Wigury 14, 02-092 in Warsaw (“Company”), entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs KRS, under no. 0000345087.

You can contact the data controller through e-mail address info@hochtief.pl or in writing at the address of the controller’s office with the note “Data protection”.

In all matters concerning personal data processing and in particular exercising your rights related to personal data processing, you can contact the Personal Data Officer designated by the controller. The name of the Personal Data Officer is Anna Drabik. Contact with the Personal Data Protection Officer is possible through the e-mail address: iod@hochtief.pl.

How do we process the personal data?

Provision of your personal data is voluntary, but essential in order to use certain services of our site. Each time we ask you to provide us any personal data, we will inform you precisely about the terms on which the Company will process them.

The Company processes your data in the following scope: companies names and first names and surnames of their representatives as well as company addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and other, which you will reveal in the content of an asked question or in the user’s account creation form.

Personal data can be collected in connection with using the site, for the purpose and in the scope essential to:

  1. create and run the user’s account in the section dedicated for suppliers and business partners, and therefore in order to conclude and execute the contract for rendering the user’s account service in the site – namely on the basis of Article 6 paragraph 1 letter (a) and (b) of the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 regarding the protection of natural people with regard to the processing of personal data and the free flow of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/WE (General Data Protection Regulation, further referred to as: “GDPR”);
  2. give an answer to a question asked through the contact form, therefore in order to pursue our legally justified interest in the form of communication with service users – namely on the basis of Article 6 paragraph 1 letter (f) of GDPR;
  3. determine, pursue and secure possible claims created in connection with the services provided by the site, therefore in order to pursue our legally justified interest – namely on the basis of Article 6 paragraph 1 letter (f) of GDPR

Personal data protection

The Company undertakes to protect your personal data according to valid regulations, in particular not to disclose them to third parties and to process them only for the purposes specified in the Privacy Policy and the “Cookies” Policy of the site https://www.hochtief.pl/.

Personal data are protected against being unlawfully made available to any unauthorized people, collected by unauthorized people, destroyed, lost, damaged or changed and against any processing inconsistent with the commonly binding law. We use proper safety measures to protect your data. These include internal inspections of the collected data, storage and processing procedures as well as physical and IT safety measures intended to ensure protection against unauthorized access to the systems where we store the personal data.

Your personal data will not be used in the process of automated processing, including profiling.

Your personal data will not be transferred to other entities, apart from the entities providing services in favor of the Company, including IT services – on the basis of concluded entrusting agreements or public bodies authorized to access these data under the law. They will also not be transferred to a third country or an international organization, unless you expressly agree to that or when it is required by the binding law regulations.


What rights do you have due to the processing of your data?

Personal data will be processed by:

  1. in the case of creating and running a user’s account – for the period necessary to perform the account provision service, until its possible removal or liquidation and, after this period, for the purposes and for the period and in the scope required by the law;
  2. in the case of giving an answer to a question sent by the contact form – for the period necessary to give an answer to the question asked by the contact form and, after this period for the purposes and for the period and in the scope required by the law;
  3. in the case of determining, pursuing and securing possible claims created in connection with the services provided by the site – for the period necessary to secure them, consistent with the commonly binding legal regulations.

The person the data relate to has the right to access the content of his/her personal data and the right to correct, remove them or restrict their processing, the right to transfer the data and the right to submit an objection against processing them.

The person the data relate to has the right to withdraw his/her consent to processing his/her data at any time, if the processing is conducted on the basis of a consent to data processing, but withdrawal of the consent does not affect compliance with the law of the processing which has been completed under the consent prior to its withdrawal.

The person the data relate to has the right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body (President of the Personal Data Protection Office), when he/she decides that processing of the personal data breaches the regulations of the commonly binding law.


§ 2. Site “cookies” policy

What are “cookie” files?

Due to the usage of this site, “cookie” files are collected (“cookies”), including text content, which can include personal data in the form of the computer’s IP address and the unique identifier of the device saved in a file. These files are stored on the Company’s servers and the data from them are read only while visiting the website.

More information about “cookie” files can be found on the website https://www.aboutcookies.org/.


What do we use “cookie” files for?

The legal basis for collecting your data read from “cookie” files is Article 6 paragraph 1 letter (f) of GDPR, allowing processing of the personal data to achieve the data controller’s justified purpose.

The aforementioned justified purposes for which the data read from “cookie” files are used include:

  1. website adjustment to the user’s individual settings and saving the user-entered data connected with using the site, e.g. choice of the language version of the website;
  2. conducting statistical studies concerning website users and visitors for the site administrator’s (operator’s) needs, e.g. website visits statistics.

We do not use “cookie” files for advertising purposes or to track your online activity. We do not use third party “cookie” files and do not track other “cookie” files than ours’.

When entering the website https://www.hochtief.pl/ you remain anonymous until you decide otherwise yourself. The information included in system logs (e.g. IP address) are used by the Company for technical purposes, related to the administration of our servers. Apart from that, IP addresses are used for collecting general, statistical demographic information such as the region you connect with us from.

What rights do you have in connection with our use of the “cookie” files?

You can resign from collecting the “cookie” files by selecting the respective browser settings, which you apply when connecting to our site, but it should be remembered that in such case it may become difficult or impossible to use all website’s functions.

You can also gain access to your data in the form gathered by analysis of “cookie” files content, in the content in which they are available on the computer’s hard drive, which are subsequently used by the site and remove them at any moment.

You have the right to request removal of your data, gathered by the Company, the right to submit an objection against processing them and the right to lodge a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office (supervisory body).



If you have any questions concerning this privacy policy, please send questions and comments to the address: info@hochtief.pl