
Time of construction: 03.2011-10.2013
Area: above 17,800 square meters
General contractor: HOCHTIEF Polska Branch in Poznan
Investor: Port Lotniczy Poznan-Lawica

Characterisation: Carry out a detailed design, expansion and modernization project of the passenger terminal at Lawica Airport. The investment was carried out under a turnkey system consisting of three stages. The net sum of the contract was PLN 96,311,475 (approx. EUR 25 Mio). The first stage of the works covered the building of a new part for the terminal with a floor area of more than 17,800 square meters. The check-in hall, arrivals hall, baggage handling area, and office block were housed in two above-ground storeys and one underground. The scope of work included the construction of an internal road and the redevelopment of a car park. Finishing works for the office surface in the newly-built part of the airport terminal were completed in the second stage, while the third stage included alteration of the old part of the passenger terminal and the construction of a new central area for security control. This final stage of the works results in the transformation of the current building into a departure hall with a commercial area.