
(©HOCHTIEF Polska, Spectra Development)

Time of Construction: 04.2016-09.2017
Total area: 45,160 square meters
Investor: Castor Park Sp. z o. o.

Description: An office building with a commercial and service area. The scope of construction included a building with six overground and two underground storeys for a garage with 501 parking lots. A commercial and service area with among others a canteen, a restaurant and a conference center was designed at the ground level. A total area of the building amounts 45,160 square meters, including a lease area of 22,500 square meters. The scope of construction works also included works related with the development of road and technical infrastructure. The building was designed in accordance with the guidelines for the BREEAM certification (level Excellent).

– The project won Prime Property Prize 2018 contest in “Construction Project of the Year Office Market” category